The 30-member group is beginning the task of planning the traditional academic ceremony for WCU Chancellor Kelli R. Brown.
The event is a collaborative project of the Southern Conference membership and is hosted by Wofford College.
The faculty member will board his bike at 8 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 9, to ride multiple laps between WCU’s Health and Human Sciences Building and the Jackson County Airport.
The university community will have an opportunity to discover more about the university’s international student population, study-abroad opportunities, and global teaching and learning.
The student musicians will perform in the John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 15.
The honor for the series of videos on YouTube came from the Association of University and College Counseling Centers and Directors.
The food-based fundraiser will highlight food insecurity issues in the community Wednesday, Nov. 13, at Homebase College Ministry.
The Governor’s Advisory Council on Hispanic/Latino Affairs supports statewide efforts to promote cooperation and understanding, and provides a forum on issues.
Appointment of a new board member to fill the vacancy will be made by the General Assembly.