Race hosts are WCU’s School of Health Sciences and Department of Campus Recreation and Wellness.
An exhibition of selected works will be on display at Hunter Library through Friday, March 8.
The presentation by Jurgen Buchenau is titled “MexAmerica: Reconsidering Mexican-American Relations.”
A total of 135 students to date have received support from Jack and Judy Brinson's annual gifts, a number that will increase dramatically over the years.
“Summoning the Dead: Essays on Ron Rash” includes the work of 17 writers who contrast, reflect on and analyze his poems, short stories and novels.
The group’s performance and the open jam session that follows will be held at the headquarters for Homebase College Ministry.
The fairy tale will be presented March 10 at 3 p.m. in the John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center.
The interactive session will be held Wednesday, March 6, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 186 in Hunter Library.
The event will close with a free, open-to-the public concert Saturday, March 9, in the John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center.